Saturday 11 May 2013

How to be active in class

First thing is first you have to follow these things:
Sit comfortably:
Sitting uncomfortably is one of the big reason of distracting  your focus. You busy in keeping yourself comfortable it’ll be worse for your class lecture. Some points maybe miss from that so that you have to copy missing part from your friend again you miss some part. It is the very big thing should consider.

Keep all the things you need:
You must have all the things relevant to the subject. Books, manuals, pens etc.These ae very common things which you not give importance. But this one of the reasons to distract your intension if you have not one.

Have a nice look at board:
Whatever teacher told you try to understand really have to focus on things if you really want to be successful. Don’t take your tension away from the blackboard. Keep on writing all the points don’t just listen lesson it will take you in your imagination sometime. Try to keep yourself busy in writing.

Write notes in points:
Write down your notes in points and underline the important points, it will make your read easy and comfortably.
·         First writing down the main points.
·         Then summarising, condensing and organising the notes so that they can be used when writing assignments or revising for exams.
In general, your notes should be brief and to the point. Take time to think about
·         What is expected of you, by reviewing the learning outcomes listed in           your module materials
·         What each assignment requires you to do
·         How you learn best, so you can choose the most effective some    techniques.

Act like a professional. Understand that class is not just about getting a good grade or job preparation, but also about giving you the opportunity to be a better, more active student. Professionals dress in a way that shows they pay attention to their appearance. Moreover, professionals focus themselves on their task in a way that inspires confidence in the people around them. They do not distract themselves with idle conversation or text messaging when there are more important things to concentrate on.



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